Early Access

🔑 Mint ⛏  now one of the 1337 exclusive Early Membership 🚪  Access NFT and get exclusive privileges 💎  and 🎁  perks!

Privilege / PerkEarly Access Grant
✨ Shiny goldie glorious NFT card ! Have it in your digital wallet 💳 
⛏  Early Genoma Pre-Mint → Reserved Whitelist spot! ✌️
🔓 Private Channels and Groups Full access to all early areas 🚪
🎁  Early Access limited Giveaways →  Chance to win NFTs every month 🍀
👩‍⚖️  Project Governance → Right to vote for decisions 🗳

...and much more!
Your early commitment to Genoma will be carved in rock [block to be accurate 😜] 
This is a ‹status› that lasts beyond the time and in which we (and the whole community) will recognise you for life.   

🐣 Early Access 🟢 Minting is currently Live 🟢

If your mobile doesn't render properly the mint widget please use this direct IPFS link